The Effect of Music on Test Anxiety
Hall Memorial Ballroom
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Campus Access Only
Start Date
4-4-2018 12:00 PM
The level at which students perceive the difficulty of the test may cause the student’s level of test anxiety to be aroused at different degrees during different times of the exam (Hong, 1999). Research has suggested that music can change activity in certain neural pathways and induce relaxation and other physiological changes (Gooding, Swezey, & Zwischenberger, 2012). The purpose of this study was to examine if music had an effect on an individual's level of test anxiety. For this study, participants were asked to complete a difficult algebra exam in a 20 min period. Test anxiety was measured using the West Side Anxiety Scale (Driscoll, 2006). Participants consisted of Lynchburg College students (N = 22). There were a total of 17 sessions between February 1st - February 28th. There were two experimental groups that listened to either country or classical music and a control group that took the test without sound. It was hypothesized the introduction of music while a person is taking a test will help to reduce their level of anxiety. A one-way ANOVA will be used to analyze the data..
Primary Faculty Mentor(s)
Pepper Hanna
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The Effect of Music on Test Anxiety
Hall Memorial Ballroom
The level at which students perceive the difficulty of the test may cause the student’s level of test anxiety to be aroused at different degrees during different times of the exam (Hong, 1999). Research has suggested that music can change activity in certain neural pathways and induce relaxation and other physiological changes (Gooding, Swezey, & Zwischenberger, 2012). The purpose of this study was to examine if music had an effect on an individual's level of test anxiety. For this study, participants were asked to complete a difficult algebra exam in a 20 min period. Test anxiety was measured using the West Side Anxiety Scale (Driscoll, 2006). Participants consisted of Lynchburg College students (N = 22). There were a total of 17 sessions between February 1st - February 28th. There were two experimental groups that listened to either country or classical music and a control group that took the test without sound. It was hypothesized the introduction of music while a person is taking a test will help to reduce their level of anxiety. A one-way ANOVA will be used to analyze the data..