The Effect of Environment and Fatigue Levels on BrainFx SCREEN Scores.
Hall Memorial Ballroom
Access Type
Campus Access Only
Start Date
4-4-2018 12:00 PM
Athletic Training
The effect of environment and fatigue levels on BrainFx SCREEN scores.
Context: Computerized neurocognitive assessments have historically been viewed as the cornerstone of the concussion-assessment process. The BrainFx SCREEN assessment is a computerized assessment designed to evaluate signs of brain function impairment.
Objective: To examine the effect that testing environment (control trial vs field trial) and fatigue levels (rested vs fatigue) have on BrainFx SCREEN scores in healthy NCAA Division III club men’s lacrosse and basketball, female’s basketball as well as NCAA Division III men's basketball.
Design: Crossover study
Setting: Athletic Training Clinic and sports venues
Interventions: none
Main outcome measures: Working on it… still collecting data
Results: working on it
Conclusions: working on ot
Key word: Concussion, neurocognitive, assessment, athletes.
Primary Faculty Mentor(s)
Debbie Bradney, Tom Bowman
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The Effect of Environment and Fatigue Levels on BrainFx SCREEN Scores.
Hall Memorial Ballroom
The effect of environment and fatigue levels on BrainFx SCREEN scores.
Context: Computerized neurocognitive assessments have historically been viewed as the cornerstone of the concussion-assessment process. The BrainFx SCREEN assessment is a computerized assessment designed to evaluate signs of brain function impairment.
Objective: To examine the effect that testing environment (control trial vs field trial) and fatigue levels (rested vs fatigue) have on BrainFx SCREEN scores in healthy NCAA Division III club men’s lacrosse and basketball, female’s basketball as well as NCAA Division III men's basketball.
Design: Crossover study
Setting: Athletic Training Clinic and sports venues
Interventions: none
Main outcome measures: Working on it… still collecting data
Results: working on it
Conclusions: working on ot
Key word: Concussion, neurocognitive, assessment, athletes.