Sydnor Performance Hall
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4-4-2018 9:45 AM
In this paper the relationship between the employment of the United States department of defense and the yearly budget for the United States department of defense was examined. The relationship was looked at by a ols regression that corrected for serial correlation, and multicollinearity .the results of the regression showed that the only variables that was consistently significant at the 90% or higher significance level was the dummy variable signifying whether or not the united states was in the middle of a war as defined by 18 U.S. Code § 2331 definition of act of war. The rest of the variables were only significant at the 80% or lower significance. This shows that the employment of the United States department of defense has no effect on the budget for the United States department of defense.
Primary Faculty Mentor(s)
Micheal Schnur
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The effect of D.O.D employment on the United States defense budget
Sydnor Performance Hall
In this paper the relationship between the employment of the United States department of defense and the yearly budget for the United States department of defense was examined. The relationship was looked at by a ols regression that corrected for serial correlation, and multicollinearity .the results of the regression showed that the only variables that was consistently significant at the 90% or higher significance level was the dummy variable signifying whether or not the united states was in the middle of a war as defined by 18 U.S. Code § 2331 definition of act of war. The rest of the variables were only significant at the 80% or lower significance. This shows that the employment of the United States department of defense has no effect on the budget for the United States department of defense.