Archived Abstracts

Depicting Alchemy: The Ability of Art to Illustrate Transformation


Sydnor Performance Hall, Schewel Hall

Access Type

Open Access

Entry Number


Start Date

4-8-2020 4:00 PM

End Date

4-8-2020 4:15 PM




This research is illustrating art and the artist’s process in depicting transformation with a focus on alchemical transformation. This research is important in that it will illuminate the artists’ ability to communicate transitory phases in a visual form. Additionally, it is an avenue which demonstrates how transformation inspires artwork and how the process of transformation is integral to the creation of a work of art. This work is based on the research of others analyzing alchemical imagery in artwork as well as the alchemical process of making art. This research demonstrates how both the physical and spiritual elements of alchemy are imperative to the process of transformation.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Prof. Ursula Bryant
Dr. Beth Savage
Dr. Caroline Wilson

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Apr 8th, 4:00 PM Apr 8th, 4:15 PM

Depicting Alchemy: The Ability of Art to Illustrate Transformation

Sydnor Performance Hall, Schewel Hall

This research is illustrating art and the artist’s process in depicting transformation with a focus on alchemical transformation. This research is important in that it will illuminate the artists’ ability to communicate transitory phases in a visual form. Additionally, it is an avenue which demonstrates how transformation inspires artwork and how the process of transformation is integral to the creation of a work of art. This work is based on the research of others analyzing alchemical imagery in artwork as well as the alchemical process of making art. This research demonstrates how both the physical and spiritual elements of alchemy are imperative to the process of transformation.