Theatrical Scenic Painting
Clear Weather: Front Lawn, Daura Museum
Inclement Weather: Lobby Gallery, Hailey Theatre
Access Type
Campus Access Only
Entry Number
Start Date
4-5-2023 9:00 AM
End Date
4-5-2023 4:00 PM
Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences
Theatre Arts
Theatre, Scenic Painting
From the Theatre Department's THEA 335 Scenic Painting course, taught by Professor Christopher Otwell, these scenic panels represent the culminating final course project of replicating an image in scale. Resulting projects involve: cartooning with the grid method, paint/color mixing, various painting/texturing methods, and application of highlight, shade, and shadow.
Primary Faculty Mentor(s)
Prof. Christopher Otwell
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Theatrical Scenic Painting
Clear Weather: Front Lawn, Daura Museum
Inclement Weather: Lobby Gallery, Hailey Theatre
From the Theatre Department's THEA 335 Scenic Painting course, taught by Professor Christopher Otwell, these scenic panels represent the culminating final course project of replicating an image in scale. Resulting projects involve: cartooning with the grid method, paint/color mixing, various painting/texturing methods, and application of highlight, shade, and shadow.