Painting: “Porcelain Sink”


Lower Gallery, Daura Museum of Art

Access Type

Campus Access Only

Entry Number


Start Date

4-5-2023 9:00 AM

End Date

4-5-2023 4:00 PM


Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences




Description: The painting acts as a metaphor for our societal pursuit of perfection through the constant act of cleaning and renewal.

Painting II: The students in ART 262 Painting II are in the process of completing a self directed research project. The students have come up with a specific concept and have started to create a visual representation of that concept through the medium of painting. The imagery in this course is backed up with research in identifying relationships in the contemporary art community and finding connections in the history of the visual arts. These connections are then combined with personal experiences and gathered information from alternative sources to create a body of work that speaks to the student's perception of our human experience through the visual arts.

Primary Faculty Mentor(s)

Prof. Allen TenBusschen

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Import Event to Google Calendar

Apr 5th, 9:00 AM Apr 5th, 4:00 PM

Painting: “Porcelain Sink”

Lower Gallery, Daura Museum of Art

Description: The painting acts as a metaphor for our societal pursuit of perfection through the constant act of cleaning and renewal.

Painting II: The students in ART 262 Painting II are in the process of completing a self directed research project. The students have come up with a specific concept and have started to create a visual representation of that concept through the medium of painting. The imagery in this course is backed up with research in identifying relationships in the contemporary art community and finding connections in the history of the visual arts. These connections are then combined with personal experiences and gathered information from alternative sources to create a body of work that speaks to the student's perception of our human experience through the visual arts.