
Room 232, Schewel Hall

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Campus Access Only

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Start Date

4-17-2024 10:30 AM

End Date

4-17-2024 10:45 AM


Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences


Environmental Science


Carbon Offsets, Sustainability, Ethics, Business


Carbon dioxide is warming our planet and causing our climate to change. There are disputes in the environmental sustainability community today about the best way to address rising carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, especially in institutions of higher education (IHE). One method corporations, individuals, and IHEs use to address their own CO2 emissions is by purchasing carbon offsets. After the entity measures its carbon footprint, they purchase carbon offsets to reach “carbon neutral” or “net-zero emissions”. Many sustainability experts argue whether carbon offsets are beneficial or not. The topics of CO2 footprints, emissions, and offsets are important for the IHEs who want to be sustainable because the earth is suffering negative consequences from too much CO2. We must decrease our emissions as soon as possible in the most effective way.

In 2021, the University of Lynchburg was the first university in Virginia to become carbon neutral, achieving carbon neutrality by purchasing carbon offsets to compensate for their own unreducible emissions. This project will discuss the sustainability, financial consequences, and the ethics of purchasing carbon offsets in higher education using a literature review. Additionally, this project includes a case study on the sustainability initiatives and the purchase of carbon offsets for the University of Lynchburg from the year 2007 to 2024.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Laura Henry-Stone Dr. Nancy Hubbard Dr. Jennifer Styrsky


Part of Westover Honors Thesis Presentation

The uploaded full test presentation is my preliminary draft for my thesis. This draft is not complete and unedited. My final draft is due before the Student Scholar Showcase.

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Apr 17th, 10:30 AM Apr 17th, 10:45 AM

A Discussion on Carbon Offsets in Higher Education

Room 232, Schewel Hall

Carbon dioxide is warming our planet and causing our climate to change. There are disputes in the environmental sustainability community today about the best way to address rising carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, especially in institutions of higher education (IHE). One method corporations, individuals, and IHEs use to address their own CO2 emissions is by purchasing carbon offsets. After the entity measures its carbon footprint, they purchase carbon offsets to reach “carbon neutral” or “net-zero emissions”. Many sustainability experts argue whether carbon offsets are beneficial or not. The topics of CO2 footprints, emissions, and offsets are important for the IHEs who want to be sustainable because the earth is suffering negative consequences from too much CO2. We must decrease our emissions as soon as possible in the most effective way.

In 2021, the University of Lynchburg was the first university in Virginia to become carbon neutral, achieving carbon neutrality by purchasing carbon offsets to compensate for their own unreducible emissions. This project will discuss the sustainability, financial consequences, and the ethics of purchasing carbon offsets in higher education using a literature review. Additionally, this project includes a case study on the sustainability initiatives and the purchase of carbon offsets for the University of Lynchburg from the year 2007 to 2024.
