Integrating Literacy in Physical Education: Boogie Monster
Room 101, Thompson-Polloway Hall
Access Type
Open Access
Start Date
4-17-2024 9:30 AM
End Date
4-17-2024 9:45 AM
College of Education, Leadership Studies, and Counseling
Physical Education
elementary, physical education, children’s literature, education, elementary education, elementary physical education
It is the job of all educators, including physical education teachers, to prepare students for their PK-12 classrooms and beyond. Literacy is one of the fundamental skills that students need support, so why not add movement and fun to it! In this session, the presenter/s will share how they plan to integrate literacy through movement activities that are incorporated into an elementary level reading selection. Lesson plans, aligned with the VA SOLs for PE, will be provided.
Primary Faculty Mentor(s)
Dr. Katie Bowman
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Integrating Literacy in Physical Education: Boogie Monster
Room 101, Thompson-Polloway Hall
It is the job of all educators, including physical education teachers, to prepare students for their PK-12 classrooms and beyond. Literacy is one of the fundamental skills that students need support, so why not add movement and fun to it! In this session, the presenter/s will share how they plan to integrate literacy through movement activities that are incorporated into an elementary level reading selection. Lesson plans, aligned with the VA SOLs for PE, will be provided.