Digital Showcase @ University of Lynchburg - Student Scholar Showcase: No Such Thing as a Slave Narrative: Abba, Coobah, and Sally


Student Author Information

Shelby K. Miller, Lynchburg CollegeFollow


Schewel 215

Access Type

Open Access

Entry Number


Start Date

4-4-2018 2:30 PM




Within history, there is a push to combine and generalize individual experiences into a single narrative. However, individual slaves lived massively different lives even when they lived on the same planation. My presentation will focus on three specific slaves from Thomas Thistlewood’s sugar cane plantation in Jamaica. These three women lived in the same place, experienced the same brutality, and yet all responded differently to their trauma. I will agree that historians cannot create a comprehensive slave narrative because of these varying and greatly contrasting lives.

Primary Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Luis Dinnella-Borrego

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Apr 4th, 2:30 PM

No Such Thing as a Slave Narrative: Abba, Coobah, and Sally

Schewel 215

Within history, there is a push to combine and generalize individual experiences into a single narrative. However, individual slaves lived massively different lives even when they lived on the same planation. My presentation will focus on three specific slaves from Thomas Thistlewood’s sugar cane plantation in Jamaica. These three women lived in the same place, experienced the same brutality, and yet all responded differently to their trauma. I will agree that historians cannot create a comprehensive slave narrative because of these varying and greatly contrasting lives.