Digital Showcase @ University of Lynchburg - Student Scholar Showcase: Summer of Sidewalks: Accessing Lynchburg's Walkability and Planning within Community Development in Lynchburg, Virginia


Student Author Information

Lauren FishbeinFollow


Schewel 232

Access Type

Open Access

Entry Number


Start Date

4-4-2018 2:30 PM


Environmental Science


For an urban community to be sustainable, it must also be accessible to community members across all socio-economic groups. Due to the current trends in development, communities are beginning to re-evaluate their transportation options. Urban planners are beginning to discourage ‘single family vehicular' reliance and explore other facets such as; public transportation, safe bike lanes and safe sidewalks. Safe, connected and maintained sidewalks can have many benefits including public health, environmental and economic advantages. I interned with City Planning, a department within Community Development in Downtown Lynchburg, and aided their goals to edit the zoning ordinances to make sidewalks a staple in the development process.

Although my internship began as an opportunity to research the accessibility and walkability of Lynchburg, I also learned how to complete many planning tasks including; mapping, holding and participating in public forums, collaborating with other departments, and reviewing development processes and zoning ordinances. This three month internship gave me experience and several connections within local government; it also led to a part-time paid position as a Lynchburg City Planner.

Primary Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Perault

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Apr 4th, 2:30 PM

Summer of Sidewalks: Accessing Lynchburg's Walkability and Planning within Community Development in Lynchburg, Virginia

Schewel 232

For an urban community to be sustainable, it must also be accessible to community members across all socio-economic groups. Due to the current trends in development, communities are beginning to re-evaluate their transportation options. Urban planners are beginning to discourage ‘single family vehicular' reliance and explore other facets such as; public transportation, safe bike lanes and safe sidewalks. Safe, connected and maintained sidewalks can have many benefits including public health, environmental and economic advantages. I interned with City Planning, a department within Community Development in Downtown Lynchburg, and aided their goals to edit the zoning ordinances to make sidewalks a staple in the development process.

Although my internship began as an opportunity to research the accessibility and walkability of Lynchburg, I also learned how to complete many planning tasks including; mapping, holding and participating in public forums, collaborating with other departments, and reviewing development processes and zoning ordinances. This three month internship gave me experience and several connections within local government; it also led to a part-time paid position as a Lynchburg City Planner.